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Saturday, September 27, 2008

Belitung: Superb Beach

An island with beautiful beaches, unique landscape, purely white sand bay, artistic granite boulders and crystal clear sea water, accompanied by hundreds of small islands surrounding. We present more than 200 photos. Belitung is one of the best and unique beach in Indonesia for your holiday destination.

In this website, we are from BelitungIsland.COM, will assist you to further explore the Belitung island, with nice stories as well as realistic fact. We present complete guide to visit Belitung. We also provide a tour package service as per below table.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1428 H

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1428 H

Naik Pesawat Muka Jadi Kemerahan
Puasa Sudah Lewat Waktunya Kita Lebaran...

Idul FitriHehehe, 1-2 tahun belakangan ini kayanya makin banyak sms dalam bentuk pantun yang dikirimkan sebagai ucapan selamat hari raya Idul Fitri. Siapa yang kali ini punya kesempatan melakukan koleksi sms-sms itu ?

Meski dilakukan setiap tahun, ucapan selamat hari raya Idul Fitri yang dirangkai dengan "Mohon maaf lahir dan batin" hendaknya tidak menjadi sesuatu yang BasbangTM. Mengapa ? Karena kita selalu menambah kemungkinan berbuat salah dan khilaf setiap tahunnya. Anggaplah moment ini menjadi salah satu shelter tempat kita sejenak menoleh kebelakang, kepada jejak-jejak yang kita tinggalkan.

Besar kemungkinan ada rekan-rekan yang merasa kurang sreg membaca salah satu posting artikel di blog saya, atau kurang sreg pada komentar saya saat blog walking, sekarang saya mengucapkan "Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri, Minal Aidzin Wal Faidzin, Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin".

BTW, tentu saja saya tidak harus menunggu 1 tahun untuk meminta maaf :-D. Saya hanya tidak ingin melewatkan momen istimewa seperti Lebaran ini. Bukankah hanya sang maha pencipta yang tahu apakah tahun depan saya bisa berlebaran lagi atau tidak...

Anak Kodok Makan Ketupat
Dia Makan Sambil Lompat-Lompat
Berhubung Jabat Tangan Tidak Sempat,
Lewat Blog-pun No What-What, hehehe...

Causes of High Colesterol

(NC)-High cholesterol affects more than 10 million Canadians and is a modifiable risk factor for heart disease, the number one killer of Canadians. If you have recently been told that you have high cholesterol, you may have been very surprised. High cholesterol has no symptoms and anyone can develop it regardless of age, weight, gender, race or ethnic background.

It is important to understand that only 20 per cent of your cholesterol comes from the food you eat. The remaining 80 per cent is manufactured in the body by your liver. However, even though you may be eating well and exercising regularly, you may still have elevated cholesterol levels. Do not be discouraged. Sometimes lifestyle changes alone are not enough and your doctor may recommend medication to reduce your high cholesterol.

Treatment Options

The most commonly prescribed medications to lower cholesterol levels are statins, which work by restricting the liver's production of cholesterol. Statins can significantly lower LDL-cholesterol, raise HDL-cholesterol, and some even lower blood triglyceride levels, another element in determining your total cholesterol level.

When you take cholesterol-lowering medication, you still need to reduce dietary intake of saturated fats and cholesterol, and exercise on a daily basis. It is essential that you take your medication as recommended. Even when your cholesterol levels are reduced, do not stop taking your medication without discussing it first with your physician.

- News Canada

Lifestyle changes:

What Are My Treatment Options?

My condition, as determined by my doctor

Recommended Treatment

I have higher than normal "bad" cholesterol but low to moderate risk

As a first step, your doctor may suggest diet and lifestyle changes. After three to six months, if your cholesterol remains elevated above target, your doctor may prescribe medication.

I have a high risk of heart disease

Medication will be considered along with lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise.

I have a very high risk or known heart disease or diabetes

Medication, along with lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise, will play an important role in your cholesterol management.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Book " The Last Lecture " [Randy Pausch]

The Last Lecture goes beyond the now-famous lecture to inspire us all to live each day of our lives with purpose and joy

“We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.”
—Randy Pausch

A lot of professors give talks titled “The Last Lecture.” Professors are asked to consider their demise and to ruminate on what matters most to them. And while they speak, audiences can’t help but mull the same question: What wisdom would we impart to the world if we knew it was our last chance? If we had to vanish tomorrow, what would we want as our legacy?

When Randy Pausch, a computer science professor at Carnegie Mellon, was asked to give such a lecture, he didn’t have to imagine it as his last, since he had recently been diagnosed with terminal cancer. But the lecture he gave—“Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams”—wasn’t about dying. It was about the importance of overcoming obstacles, of enabling the dreams of others, of seizing every moment (because “time is all you have...and you may find one day that you have less than you think”). It was a summation of everything Randy had come to believe. It was about living.

In this book, Randy Pausch has combined the humor, inspiration and intelligence that made his lecture such a phenomenon and given it an indelible form. It is a book that will be shared for generations to come.

Banyak profesor menyampaikan ceramah berjudul “Kuliah Terakhir.” Mereka diminta untuk memikirkan kematian mereka dan merenungkan hal-hal apa saja yang paling berarti bagi mereka. Sementara mereka berbicara, hadirin mau tak mau memikirkan pertanyaan yang sama, yaitu “kearifan apa yang akan kita tanamkan kepada dunia jika kita tahu ini kesempatan terakhir kita? Jika kita harus mati besok, apa yang kita inginkan sebagai pusaka atau warisan kita?”

Ketika Randy Pausch—seorang profesor ilmu komputer di Carnegie Melon—diminta memberikan ceramah semacam ini, dia tidak perlu berkhayal bahwa itu adalah ceramahnya yang terakhir. Karena, tidak lama sebelumnya, dia didiagnosa menderita kanker yang mematikan, sementara hidupnya sudah dipastikan hanya tinggal beberapa bulan lagi. Mengejutkannya, kuliah yang dia sampaikan justru bukan tentang kematian. Bahkan yang lebih mengejutkan lagi, kuliah inilah yang mengubah seluruh sisi kehidupannya dan memberi dampak positif terhadap hadirin yang mendengarkannya. Lalu apa sebenarnya isi kuliahnya? Dalam buku ini, Randy Pausch menggabungkan humor, inspirasi, serta kecerdasan yang membuat kuliahnya begitu fenomenal, dan memberi wajah atas kuliah itu dengan penampilan yang teguh.

Inilah buku yang akan terus dinikmati bersama selama beberapa generasi mendatang. Randy Pausch, seorang profesor di bidang Ilmu Komputer, Ilmu Komputer Interaksi Manusia, dan bidang Desain di Universitas Carnegie Mellon. Sejak tahun 1988 hingga 1997, dia mengajar di Universitas Viginia, dan memenangkan penghargaan guru dan peneliti.

Dia juga bekerja bagi perusahaan Adobe,Google, Electronic Arts (EA), dan Walt Disney. Dia tinggal di Virginia bersama istrinya dan tiga orang anaknya. Jefrey Zaslow, seorang kolumnis bagi Wall Street Journal, yang menghadiri Kuliah Terakhir yang ditulisnya hingga mendapatkan sorotan dunia. Dia tinggal di kota Detroit bersama anak dan istrinya. Untuk mempelajari lebih jauh

Happy Blessed Ramadhan

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Running About Your Body

Runniong is one of the sports that are burning quickly fatties from your body. It is sport that not only build your body, but you will feel really stronger than ever. It is very good about your heart and your muscles. Also the fatties in your buttocks will be decrease3d to the minimum. That is also true for the muscles of your abdomen. I like this sport very musch and I practise it together with my fitnes program. In fact sometimes I forgot about fitnes, but never for running.
Running load almost all of your muscle groups, except your biceps. That is very good for building a nice body, and mostly tiny and beautiful body, which is the first reason for more women. Sometimes it is harder to combinate running with fitnes programs, because they should be dome with minimum interval of 4-6 hours, and this means that you should run in the morning and than make your fitnes practise in the evening or in the afternoon. But running is a better choice than hard fitnes programs, so just try how you will turn your looking to other direction.
Many people use nylons over their fatty parts (legs, buttocks, abdomen and so on) and then run. It is good idea, only for women. They have celluloid, which can be corrected quickly with this simple action.

High Carbohydrate diet

I will tell you some words about high-carbohydrate diet, what I like and what I don't. You will choose to use it or not.
In the first 5 days of the diet program you should take the basic of 4.4 gr of Carbohydrate and 2.2 gr protein for every kilogram of your body. This you need is to take a protein from the food. You should eat once on every 2-3 hours - viel, chicken, whole eggs and low-butten milk products. This will give you enought for your body-building.
The next 5 days you should take a little calories, getting 6.6 gr Carbohydrate oin every kilogram of your body. The protein is staying 2.2 gr per kilogram. This too high quantity of Carbohydrate, will get much glycogen to your muscles, which is a fuel for your training. You should practise a lot of drills and prend not less than an hourn in the fitness hall per training.
The next 2 days you should decrease the getting of Carbohydrate, because you will have too high quantity of glycogen, and it will slowly goes into normal rates. Here you should increase the protein rates to 4.4 gr per kilogram of your weight. You will keep your weight and you will have enought calories, which is the main you need.

More about shoulder muscles

One more drill about shoulder muscles, mostly for men is picking up of dumpels in sitting possition of your body. You first take 2 dumples with a weight that you can push out. Sit and pick then up over your head. That you start slowly letting them down, when youm muscles are strangulated and turn a little to make the dupmles be perpendicular of your body. Then pick them up again.
The drill is making you shoulders bigger, and the muscles there are well strangulated. Also you will develop a little the two more muscles group - biceps and chest muscles. In this way you will develp also a little back muscles and you may look pretty good just with one simple fitness drill.

Mesjid-mesjid penuh Mukjizat (Miracle)

KeAgungan dan Kebesaran Illahi kembali terlihat di di ujung Banda. Tsunami menggulung Aceh, namun di setiap musibah ada suatu keajaiban dan mukjizat Alloh SWT. Salah satunya bangunan-bangunan mesjid yang masih tetap berdiri meski sekitarnya porak-poranda.

"Kami akan memperlihatkan kepada mereka tanda-tanda (kekuasaan) Kami di segala wilayah bumi dan pada diri mereka sendiri, hingga jelas bagi mereka bahwa Al-Quran itu adalah benar. Tiadakah cukup bahwa sesungguhnya Tuhanmu menjadi saksi atas segala sesuatu?" [QS. Al- Fushshilat]

Fasting. What is Fasting ?

In nature cure, one of the very important tools for health and disease cure is fasting.

Many people are learning the trick of curing their colds, headaches, nervous spells and other acute troubles by missing a few meals or taking a short fast. It is the simplest and the most efficient way of relieving the overloaded and "food-poisoned" system. You would be surprised to know how little food is actually required to keep the individual healthy.

One of the commonest complaints of the sick is that they have "lost their appetite". In fact, the greatest blessing to them would be to lose their appetite long enough to find their hunger. Loss of appetite is an indication that the system is overcharged with toxins and nature is trying to correct this by giving a chance to the waste accumulation in the organs to escape from the system.

Fasting as a remedy is fully in harmony with the "nature-cure" philosophy of the cause of disease. If the disease is created by an abnormal accumulation of toxins in the system, it stands to reason that fasting will help in their elimination from the system. The membranous linings of the stomach and intestine which act as a "sponge" to absorb food materials are now "squeezed" to throw out the waste matter from the system.
Exercises While Fasting

The idea prevails that during a prolonged fast one should have complete rest. This however, is a serious mistake. There is no reason why one should not take the usual amount of or accomplish the accustomed daily tasks, provided, these do not strain the physical and mental energy to the point of exhaustion.

Muslim holy month of fasting begins

Pakistan suspends fighting, Egypt opens border with Gaza for Ramadan

A Muslim woman reads from a copy of the Koran during a prayer session marking the start of Ramadan, the Muslim fasting month, at the Golden Mosque in Manila, Philippines, on Monday.

CAIRO, Egypt - Most of the Muslim Mideast began the first day of Ramadan on Monday, but Iraqi Shiites, some Lebanese Shiites and Iran will start observing the holy month of fasting on Tuesday.

Ramadan begins the day after the sighting of the crescent moon that marks the beginning of a new lunar month. Some Muslim countries use astronomical calculations and observatories, while others and particular sects in some countries rely on the naked eye alone, leading to different starting times.

Libya, for example, started the fasting period Sunday, and the state-run Libyan news agency reported that religious officials there had already spotted the first tiny sliver of the moon.

This year's Muslim holy month comes at a time of high food prices region-wide — a burden for low-income people struggling to afford the special foods traditionally prepared for the meal that breaks the fast at each sunset. High food prices also complicate the usual practice of buying new clothes and other Ramadan treats.

Hot weather also will likely create extra challenges this year, for observers who go without food or water during daylight hours.

In Shiite Iran, 100 groups sent to different parts of the country on the order of Iran's top leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, did not detect the moon Sunday night, said state-run TV. It said Ramadan would start Tuesday in Iran.

In Iraq, Shiites will also begin observing the month on Tuesday, but Sunnis started on Monday and Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki called on Iraq to "maintain peace and security" during Ramadan.

Lebanon's Sunnis and some Shiites did start Ramadan on Monday, but the Iranian-backed militant Hezbollah group and its supporters are to begin fasting Tuesday.

Gestures of goodwill
In a gesture of goodwill ahead of the holy month, Pakistan suspended fighting in the volatile northwest, allowing some of the 300,000 people displaced by airstrikes and gunbattles to pack up belongings and return to their shattered homes.

Meantime, Egypt opened its sealed border crossing with Gaza over the weekend, allowing hundreds of Palestinians to leave the coastal territory for medical treatment in Egypt and other reasons, officials said.

In Gaza itself, Palestinians are marking the holy month under the strain of an Israeli blockade that has lasted more than a year, since Hamas militants violently seized control of the territory. More goods have been entering Gaza since a June cease-fire went into effect, but a shortage of cooking gas has forced dozens of bakeries to cut back on the number of traditional Ramadan pastries they produce.

In Ramallah in the West Bank, the atmosphere Monday was a little more upbeat than last year. Many homes were decorated with colored lights in the shape of crescents — the symbol of Islam. To cash in on the season's traditional soap opera television specials, shops offered a Ramadan special 50 percent discount on TV satellite dishes.

In Jordan, police distributed small booklets to motorists, urging traffic safety. Traffic accidents — a problem across the region during Ramadan — increase by an average of 70 percent during the fasting month in Jordan.

In Dubai, newspapers published special editions with ads for Ramadan sales in the city-state's giant shopping malls and lavish meals at its luxury hotels.

Ramadan can last either 29 or 30 days, depending on when the first moon of the next lunar month is sighted. During the month, Muslims are expected to abstain during daylight hours from food, drink, smoking and sex in order to focus on spiritual introspection.

More from msnbc.com

Monday, September 1, 2008

Visions V* Twist N' Play Nail Polish

Pemulas kuku bernuansa 4 warna cerah menakjubkan yang bisa Anda padukan sesuka hati. Cukup gunakan satu lapis. 8 ml.

# Kode: 12965 Flash Pink
# Kode: 12966 Electric Blue
# Kode: 12967 Party Peach
# Kode: 12968 Vivid Violet

Visions V* Starlet Luminiser

Ciptakan tampilan berkilau dengan luminiser ringan ini. Formula lembutnya memberikan Anda pesona bagaikan bintang Holywood dalam sekejap. Oleskan pada wajah dan/atau daerah sekitar leher bawah, kemudian usapkan merata untuk menjadikannya berkilau. 8 ml.

# Kode: 12981

Visions V* Instant Cheeky Stick Blusher

Visions V* Instant Cheeky Stick Blusher

Berikan nuansa warna bersemu sehat alami pada pipi Anda. 5 gr.

# Kode: 12963 Rose

# Kode: 12964 Peach

Silk & Smooth

1. Silk & Smooth Body Lotion Hair Minimising Complex

Pelembab yang cepat terserap dan diformulasikan untuk membantu memperlambat tumbuhnya rambut. 200 ml.
Kode: 12684

3. Lady Razor Schick

Pisau cukur untuk wanita yang nyaman digengam.
Kode: 14735

4. Lady Razor Blades Schick

Lima mata pisau pengganti.
Kode: 14739

5. Silk & Smooth Shaving Gel

Gel bening dan melembabkan untuk bercukur. 150 ml.
Kode: 12664

6. Silk & Smooth After Depilation Soothing Lotion

Gel dengan formula sangat lembut untuk digunakan setelah bercukut. 100 ml.
Kode: 12671

Reviving Hand Treatment Mask

Masker perawatan yang menutrisi tangan Anda. Membantu menghaluskan tangan yang kasar dengan sweet almond oil dan shea butter alami. Tangan jadi terasa sangat halus. 75 ml.

# 12879

Xtreme3 Schick Razor

Pisau cukur bermata tiga dengan pelicin yang mengandung Aloe dan vitamin E untuk menyamankan saat bercukur. Mata pisaunya dengan mudah mengikuti kontur wajah Anda. Panjang gagang dan pisau cukur: 132 mm. Lebar gagang dengan tutup: 54 mm dan tanpa tutup: 40 mm.

# 13665

Performance Face Massager

Pemijat wajah untuk menjadikan kulit dan pori-pori bersih, serta tekstur kulit terlihat lebih indah.

# 10887

Giordani Gold Deep Shine Gloss

Menjadikan bibir Anda kilau mempesona. Diperkaya dengan vitamin C dari rosehip seed oil untuk membantu melembabkan dan melindungi bibir. Aplikator kuasnya memastikan terciptanya tata rias sempurna dalam 3 warna indah. 5 ml.

# 12892 Peach Dream
# 12893 Pink Lychee
# 12894 Sweet Chestnut

Giordani Gold Portrait Face Powder & Impresionism Eye Shadow Pencil

1. Giordani Gold Portrait Face Powder

Nuansa warna alaminya yang berkilau menjadikan kulit terlihat lebih sensual. Formula ringan dan lembutnya nyaman saat diaplikasikan. 7,5 gr.

# 12970 Light Bronze
# 12971 Light Radiance

Giordani gold Impressionism Eye Shadow Pencil

Pensil berujung ganda yang memberikan warna berkilau lembut dan bisa dipadukan dengan aplikator sepon untuk hasil akhir sempurna. 1,4 gr.

# 12972 Sea Sapphire
# 12973 Deep Emerald

Giordani Gold Adaptive Foundation

Giordani Gold Adaptive Foundation
Tekstur kulit kini terlihat lebih sempurna.

Alas bedak yang menyatu sempurna pada kulit Anda. Soft focus pigment meniru warna dan tekstur kulit Anda untuk menghasilkan tekstur kulit sempurna dengan pengaplikasian yang halus dan sensual. 30 ml.

# 2654 Porcelain
# 2655 Light Ivory
# 2656 Natural Beige
# 2657 natural Rose

Glacier Athletic

Glacier Athletic tercipta untuk olahragawan sejati. Kombinasi aroma marine aquatic, bergamot dan artemisia. Wewangian ini membangkitkan adrenalin dengan kekuatan dan kesegarannya. 100 ml.

# 13168
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